Collection of HDF5 sample data from different beamlines
how to find the public data in the gamma portal
How to look at the sample scripts ?
for some Beamlines implemented an online execution option for the sample scripts
see the Video how to use the tool
and the link to the tool :
analysis file :
Experiment: THz streaking
Beamline: FL21
Instrument: THz streaking
Sample: Neon
The data was taken as part of the THz streaking photon diagnostic shifts. it contains GMD data and Time of Flight data ( recorded with the FLASH GHz ADCs) as well as beam arrival time (BAM) data.
we show how to read and interpolate the GMD data, look at the TOF data and sort a delay scan with the BAM
suggested reading:
R. Ivanov, I. Bermúdez Macias, J. Liu, G. Brenner, J. Roensch-Schulenburg, G. Kurdi, U. Fruehling, K, Wenig, S Walther, A Dimitriou
Single-shot temporal characterization of XUV pulses with duration from ~10 fs to ~350 fs at FLASH
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2020)
Dennis Mayer, Fabiano Lever and Markus Gühr,
Data analysis procedures for time-resolved x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy at a SASE free-electron-laser,
Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55, 054002 (2022);
analysis file :
and other python files in this folder
Experiment: Photoelectron spectroscopy
Beamline: FL24
Instrument: URSAPQ
Sample: ?
suggested reading:
Jan Metje, Fabiano Lever, Dennis Mayer, Richard James Squibb, Matthew S. Robinson, Mario Niebuhr, Raimund Feifel, Stefan Düsterer, Markus Gühr,
URSA-PQ: A Mobile and Flexible Pump-Probe Instrument for Gas Phase Samples at the FLASH Free Electron Laser,
Appl. Sci. 10, 7882 (2020);
runs 43622 and 43624 (25 GB in total)
analysis file :
(version using the new FAB library)asap3/flash/gpfs/pg1/2023/data/11017909/processed/previous_analysis/
(version using the depreciated flashdaqhdfutils library )
Experiment: time-resolved RIXS
Beamline: PG1
Instrument: TRIXS end station
Sample: Si
Sample was pumped with an optical laser and probed via soft X-ray RIXS by
varying the time delay between the optical laser and FEL.
Time delay was changed repeatedly from 2935 ps to 2939 ps (these are the delay
line encoder values of the optical laser ) in steps of 400fs, 1000 samples per
delay step.
RIXS images were collected via CCD camera (not full chip, only narrow region of
interest), operated in long exposure mode of 5 sec (integrating several FEL
trains per image).
suggested reading:
S. Dziarzhytski, M. Biednov, B. Dicke, A. Wang, P. S. Miedema, R. Y. Engel, J. O. Schunck, H. Redlin, H. Weigelt, F. Siewert, C. Behrens, M. Sinha, A. Schulte, B. Grimm-Lebsanft, S. G. Chiuzbăian, W. Wurth, M. Beye, M. Rübhausen, and G. Brenner,
The TRIXS end-station for femtosecond time-resolved resonant inelastic x-ray scattering experiments at the soft x-ray free-electron laser FLASH,
Struct. Dyn. 7, 054301 (2020);
Runs for standard example of hextof workflow (from Spin-Gd/W(110) beamtime, ID 11013410):
- 44762 - chessy sample for PEEM mode calibration
- 44797 - energy calibration
- 44798 and 44799 - optical spot profile with two different fluences
- 44824, 44825, 44826 and 44827 - trMM data
(3.5 GB in total)
analysis file:
Runs for example of BAM corrections (from H. Bentmann beamtime, ID 11013426):
- 44455 - energy calibration for W4f core level lines
- 44498 - trXPS dataset - t0 using side bands on W4f for BAM correction
(0.9 GB in total)
analysis file:
/asap3/flash/gpfs/pg2/2023/data/11019101/processed/hextof_workflow_bam_correction.ipynb - coming soon
Experiment: time-resolved momentum microscopy
Beamline: PG2
Instrument: HEXTOF
Samples: Chessy and Gd/W(110)
Run 44762 was measured with a Hg lamp on the test "Chessy" sample to calibrate FoV in µm in the PEEM mode.
Runs 44798 and 44799 - optical spot profile measured in PEEM mode under the same settings as run 44762
with two different attenuations of the pump laser to determine the spot size of the pump laser.
This is needed to estimate pump fluence during trMM runs (44824, 44825, 44826 and 44827) using values
of I0 monitor of the pump laser.
Runs 44797 - measured with 36.2 eV in k-mode with manually variable sample bias from 28 to 32V by 1 V
every 2000 shots to calibrate the energy scale.
This energy calibration has to be used for trMM data.
Runs 44824, 44825, 44826 and 44827 were measured from Gd/W(110) sample which was pumped with
a 1030 nm s-polarized optical laser and probed with 36.2 eV for time-resolved momentum microscopy (trARPES)
varying the time delay between the optical laser and FEL. The time delay was changed in ZigZag manner repeatedly
from 1462.00 ps to 1464.85 ps with 200 steps and 1 sec waiting time at each step.
suggested reading:
- D. Kutnyakhov, R.P. Xian, M. Dendzik, M. Heber, F. Pressacco, S.Y. Agustsson, L. Wenthaus, H. Meyer, S. Gieschen, G. Mercurio, A. Benz, K. Bühlman, S. Däster, R. Gort, D. Curcio, K. Volckaert, M. Bianchi, Ch. Sanders, J A. Miwa, S. Ulstrup, A. Oelsner, C. Tusche, Y.-J. Chen, D. Vasilyev, K. Medjanik, G. Brenner, S. Dziarzhytski, H. Redlin, B. Manschwetus, S. Dong, J. Hauer, L. Rettig, F. Diekmann, K. Rossnagel, J. Demsar, H.-J. Elmers, Ph. Hofmann, R. Ernstorfer, G. Schönhense, Y. Acremann, and W. Wurth,
Time- and momentum-resolved photoemission studies using time-of-flight momentum microscopy at a free-electron laser,
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91, 013109 (2020); - Single Event Data Frame Processor used as a backend to handle photoelectron resolved data streams - Tutorial of typical data analysis workflow using sample data