For experts: many ways to get Data from the DAQ
Manuals Overview for experts
DAQ Data Access Related Graphical User Interfaces
How to Use the FLASH DAQ Data GUI?
The DAQ Data GUI is a general tool to select and visualise DAQ data. It also contains a DAQ File Manager. The File Manager is used to explore files stored on disk or tape and to retrieve data files from the tape archive too. The DAQ Data GUI can display data retrieved remotely from DOOCS servers. It also can access data stored locally in ROOT formatted .raw files, or files stored locally in HDF5 format.
Start the DAQdataGUI via Java Webstart.
Use the DAQ data GUI locally for staged files: login at flashlxuser1 (others may not work). One should just put in the run numbrt and define the directory ( with the field in the upper right) and then press get files. (No hooks for local mode or dates or something else ...!!)
How to Discover Channels Recorded by the DAQ?
You can discover the channels recorded by the DAQ using the DAQdataGUI or the DAQexperiemntGUI, if you have access to the DESY network.
If you also have access to the .raw files directly, you can use the library jdaq-use to create a searcheable text document. The library includes a command line application producing a list of channels discovered in a given .raw file or at a given point in time. Download this jdaq-use jar. On a computer with access to the MCS-4 NFS filesystem the following command creates the list of channels as follows:
java -ea -jar jdaq-use-0.0.4-j1.7.jar FLASH1_EXP /daq_data/fel/EXP2 FLASH1_EXP_stream_2_run17666_file1_20170610T065636.1.raw
In case you get no access, you could also use the DAQ Channel Info Database as explained on the help pages by Ned Arnold of the Argonne Advanced Photon Source.
DAQ Run Control Graphical User Interfaces
How to Start the DAQ Status GUI?
The DAQ Status GUI displays the current DAQ data flow from frontend through collectors, event builder to the dCache. The GUI can be started via Java Webstart for the Photon Beam DAQ and the secondary experiment DAQ, respectively.
How to Start the Run Control GUI?
The Run Control GUI is used to configure the DAQ run controller reflected in the run control data base. The Run Control GUI can be run on the central DOOCS user machines only. To start the GUI login with X-forwarding enabled to e.g. "flashlxuser1" and execute the command "RCGUIPBD" for the photon beam DAQ run control or the command "RCGUIEXP2" for the secondary experiment DAQ.
Contact Info
for Questions / Problems:
- DAQ: Vladimir_Rybnikov FLA Tel : 4846